Contemplative Outreach of Westchester Recorded Retreats
Triduum Retreat – April 16, 2022 – Fr. Carl Arico
Other Resources
Podcast: Opening Minds, Opening Hearts
Monthly emails from Contemplative Outreach LTD
Centering Prayer mobile app (both iOS and Android)
Extension Contemplativa Internacional – Contemplative Outreach for Spanish Speakers
Contemplative Outreach International Contact List
Contemplative Outreach Chapters in the US
12-Step Contemplative Outreach
The Contemplative Dimension of the Twelve Steps Video Series
The Spiritual Journey Video Series
Self-guided and Online Courses in Centering Prayer and Other Contemplative Practices
Our Neighbors: Nearby Contemplative Outreach Chapters
Contemplative Outreach of Connecticut
Contemplative Outreach of New York City and Beyond
Contemplative Outreach of New Jersey
Contemplative Outreach of Colorado (not exactly a neighbor, but one rich in programs)
Nearby Retreat Centers Offering Centering Prayer Retreats
Holy Cross Monastery, West Park, NY
Holy Family Passionist Retreat House, West Hartford, CT
Bethany Retreat Center, Frenchville, PA
Author’s Corner
The following authors have all written about the spiritual journey from a contemplative perspective. Their books and videos may be found in the Contemplative Outreach Bookstore or from other sources.
Fr. Carl Arico
Rev. Cynthia Bourgeault
Beatrice Brutreau, PhD
David Frenette
Stephanie Iachetta
Frank X. Jelenek
Fr. Thomas Keating
Fr. William Menninger
Fr. Thomas Merton
Fr. Basil Pennington
Fr. Vincent Pizzuto PhD
Julie Leininger Pycior
Fr. Richard Rohr
Julie Saad
Sr. Maria Tasto